The You&Me Blog

An Interesting Idea? We were reading a long article on the idea of paying everyone a basic income that lets them live decently, rather than having a huge infrastructure of “helping” government payments, like disability, social security, the various rent subsidies, food stamps, school grants, the Veteran’s Administration, mortgage supplements hand-outs and what-not. Instead everyone (“everyone” and “how much” to be defined later) would get a monetary salary and would pay for their food, lodging and so on out of that. There would be no strings, just like a salary, people would be free to spend...
Hello potential contributors, A few times we have tried to get back to someone who has emailed us with a request that we look at something they wrote. But when we try to email them back, we get a spam blocking message to the effect the we have to click or email somewhere else, because they have their privacy filters or whatnot set so they only get emails from people they pre-approve or have on a list or whatever. People, that's rude. If you want to sell your writing and get people to respond to you, after you contacted them, you need to disable this or not do it, because once an editor gets...
We promised you more blog posts--blog posts at You&Me are for tidbits; history, health tips, information for contributors, announcements and so on. We produce all our blog posts in house, and do not accept guest posts. So without further ado- Being more active: A beginner’s guide You can’t spend five minutes on the Internet at Pubmed or Jstor or whatever searching for heart disease research without running into a solid fifty years worth of articles that reveal that (gasp) active people (whatever that means in that particular study) have less heart disease of the artery clogging type. It’s...
We have been so bad with our blog, just so bad you guys. We are going to try to be better and use this space for factoids, messages, updates and off-topic material going forward. We promise!
A reminder for contributors and potential contributors. We require submissions, when we request the article, to be in "electronic media" formatting. This means single spacing between sentences (no double spaces!) block paragraphs with no indentations, and a space between paragraphs. Thanks!
We are always happy to receive submissions and we want all our “query-ers” (queriers?) to be happy too. So from time to time we like to post ways you can make it more likely that your submission will be successful. Today’s hint: Don’t write a list. By list, we don’t mean the famous Internet format. We don’t do a lot of lists, but we aren’t against that. What we mean is the piece that tries to cover a life time’s worth of experiences in 1000 words. You end up with a virtual list. “I remember the time I got cancer. The diagnosis made me sad. Then I had surgery. Then I had chemotherapy. Gosh,...
We didn't get a lot of action on our current poll, but what we did get did not show any preference among the choices. People seemed to equally be interested the topics of families, cancer, etc. We've put up a new poll, so, as they say, vote early and vote often!
Our contributors are doing some amazing things (besides writing for You&Me.) Akil Wingate is a musician as well as a writer: Francis Diclemente writes prose and poetry: Kevin Carlson has been involved in filmaking:
Our contributors get up to some amazing stuff when they aren't on You&Me America's Medical Magazine. For example: They write books! Aimee Heckel!resume-books/c10yw ​Anessa L. Haney ​Angil Tarach-Ritchey ​Brett Weiss ​Carol Gee ​
