Tags: end of life

how to comfort a dying patient
“Have you ever thought about dying?” she asked so softly I could barely...
7 years 2 months BY VICKI ROSS
5646 Views / 0 Comments / 4 Shares
Hospice care began when my mom's kidneys finally failed for the last...
8 years 11 months BY JOAN GREIG
7206 Views / 0 Comments / 18 Shares
The Rollercoaster; My Mother's Last Days
The woman lying in the hospital bed did not look or act like my mother. I...
9 years 10 months BY JANICE LEILANI
The Shadows of Leukemia
Patrick’s leukemia is only a grey shadow. Don’t look.
11 years 10 months BY PATRICIA HALDERMAN
Living Wills Personal Story
So many of us think we will live forever...
11 years 11 months BY DREW DAVENPORT
10809 Views / 0 Comments / 30 Shares
soothing dementia
One woman finds a way to help her Dad.
13 years 7 months BY ELLEN DENTON
mother saw spring bunnies while dying
Persistent allergies turn out to be symptoms of stage four cancer! A board...
13 years 9 months BY BEVERLY SPRIGGS
mother brain tumor
“I don’t want you or your sisters to tell anyone that your mother has a...
14 years 1 month BY KAREN STRINE
14546 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
Dementia: Choices
For my father... It wasn't until I wrote this that I understood.
14 years 11 months BY AMYE ARCHER
11917 Views / 1 Comments / 1 Shares
One Death
I think… we are not losing individuals; we are all moving towards one...
15 years 9 months BY KAREN OTT
16108 Views / 0 Comments / 15 Shares