Tags: ICU

empathy necessary from health care providers
At what point did it become a “strength” for one human being to possess...
5 years 5 months BY JACQUELINE CAMACHO
hope ICU patients
How difficult it may be to keep hope in our hearts and minds when...
5 years 6 months BY LYNN ASSIMACOPOULOS,
Amy performing
Losing your faith is a scary thing – especially in the midst of danger and...
9 years 10 months BY AMY OESTREICHER
11132 Views / 0 Comments / 158 Shares
The Rollercoaster; My Mother's Last Days
The woman lying in the hospital bed did not look or act like my mother. I...
9 years 10 months BY JANICE LEILANI
The Seven and One-Half Week Moment
You never know what you can do until you have to.
10 years 2 months BY CAROL GRANNICK
12184 Views / 0 Comments / 41 Shares
A Bloody Kiss Goodbye
I worked so hard to keep Eddie alive because I wanted nothing more than...
13 years 11 months BY ANESSA HANEY
14603 Views / 0 Comments / 10 Shares