Tags: Risa Nye

ameloblastoma surgery story
Risa Nye updates us on her progress with her ameloblastoma.
6 years 1 month BY RISA NYE
10590 Views / 1 Comments / 74 Shares
ameloblastoma dreams
Risa Nye wrote about her ameloblastoma experience for us. Now she provides...
8 years 3 months BY RISA NYE
7939 Views / 0 Comments / 47 Shares
tinnutis personal story
I have a ringing in my ears. It’s the sound I hear when there is no sound.
13 years 1 month BY RISA NYE
20193 Views / 5 Comments / 26 Shares
dreams predicting tumors
The dreams were almost always the same: my teeth were loose or falling out...
13 years 4 months BY RISA NYE