Tags: hospitals

ICU psychosis what it's like
Intensive care units are in the news lately. Here's a story about a...
4 years 6 months BY SUZANNE STORMON
Beep! Pain Management
I push the pain pump button. Nothing. I push it again. Nothing. BEEP...
8 years 3 months BY DESIREE SIMONS
8113 Views / 0 Comments / 43 Shares
Sudden Death
The first time I ever died was nothing spectacular.
8 years 4 months BY MB
The Only Patient in the Hospital
Just another day.
8 years 5 months BY S. DANIEL
7848 Views / 0 Comments / 55 Shares
Long Hospital Nights
It’s lonely in the middle of the night, when the painkillers wear off.
7953 Views / 0 Comments / 83 Shares
Intensive Care Pulmonary Embolism
My heart would try to pump blood against a clot blocking the way. It would...
9 years 1 week BY STEPHANIE ROSE
6924 Views / 0 Comments / 1 Shares
She Refuses
Sometimes a moment just happens.
9 years 9 months Suzanne G. Beyer
9118 Views / 0 Comments / 2 Shares
Christmas in the Hospital
I want to go home. I’ve never spent Christmas away from my family.
10 years 1 month BY YASSMINA MONTES
9102 Views / 4 Comments / 16 Shares
A Bloody Kiss Goodbye
I worked so hard to keep Eddie alive because I wanted nothing more than...
13 years 11 months BY ANESSA HANEY
14603 Views / 0 Comments / 10 Shares