Tags: mental health

How I Lost My Mind
Let me tell you about the time I lost my mind.
3 years 8 months BY JZ
bipolar medication rollercoast
Sometimes you wonder which is worse...the disease or the treatment.
4 years 7 months BY COLLEEN BEDFORD
4375 Views / 2 Comments / 49 Shares
having autism spectrum social life
I am desperately lonely. I am incredibly burnt out on people.
4 years 12 months BY TYLER EDWARDS
3546 Views / 0 Comments / 22 Shares
agoraphobia personal story
That was the last time I went outside the apartment alone for two years.
5 years 1 month BY MARILYN JUNE
4809 Views / 1 Comments / 21 Shares
obsessing over OCD
Obsessing over obsessing over obsessing...
5 years 9 months BY KATIE KENT
7890 Views / 0 Comments / 69 Shares
Self Injurious Behavior Personal Story
A look on the inside of self injury. Please be aware may contain "...
6 years 3 months BY DANIELLE LILLY
5588 Views / 0 Comments / 2 Shares
medication mental health side effects
Were my medications wrong for me?
6 years 7 months BY KLYS RENARDSON
4720 Views / 1 Comments / 1 Shares
No Help For Phobias?
“God, why is the reception desk behind bullet proof glass?”
6 years 9 months BY KELLI AMSTRONG
6720 Views / 13 Comments / 46 Shares
emergency room suicidal stories
Last year, I did a really good job of not killing myself.
6 years 10 months BY KLYS RENARDSON
anxiety personal stroy
Anxiety doesn’t need permission to wrap its skeletal fingers around your...
7 years 1 month BY TORI RUSSELL
