Tags: surgery

The Seven and One-Half Week Moment
You never know what you can do until you have to.
9 years 5 months BY CAROL GRANNICK
11446 Views / 0 Comments / 41 Shares
My first death in theatre
You never forget your first time.
9 years 5 months BY DR ELLIE
8535 Views / 0 Comments / 2 Shares
scoliosis surgery death sentence
Eventually my doctor and the surgical resident came in and had me sign...
10 years 3 weeks BY HANNAH MCDONALD
12266 Views / 0 Comments / 16 Shares
Mastectomy: Where's My Boob
You get so smart with cancer…
10 years 9 months BY MERLE S.
10133 Views / 10 Comments / 12 Shares
Maggots used to clean wounds
So, what's it like to do the maggot thing?
11 years 1 week BY VIC WARREN
The Dangers of Diabetes
When mum recovered from surgery, she realised that her leg was missing...
12 years 2 months BY BEAUTY NCUBE
Standing Straight: Surviving Scoliosis as a Teen
The following morning, they would wheel me into the operating room, cut me...
12 years 5 months BY RACHEL ADLER
17945 Views / 0 Comments / 84 Shares
hemorrhoid surgery personal story
Serious hemorrhoids are no joke.
12 years 8 months BY DR PHIL
23939 Views / 0 Comments / 5 Shares
breast surgery older women
If I bottled it now I would have to settle for a double J Cup size for...
12 years 11 months BY ANNETTE GLENN
33122 Views / 7 Comments / 8 Shares
dreams predicting tumors
The dreams were almost always the same: my teeth were loose or falling out...
13 years 1 month BY RISA NYE
